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Manifesto of Online Learning

Regardless of the environment, humans are built to learn and activation of that learning begins with engagement. Learning is a survival...

Problem of Practice: Empathy Report

Background: I serve as the Dean of Students in the West Shore ESD’s Career Tech Education center (CTE). Behavior is rarely an issue...

Empathy through Simulation

Today I utilized a website that simulates hearing loss to experience moderate, mild, and normal hearing loss in a restaurant setting with...

Reflection of Week 5

While creating my Assessment Genre Critical Review YouTube video, my brain kept thinking of a quote from Neil Selwyn's Podcast interview...

Summer of Growth

For me this summer was about growth in both my personal and career life. I recently accepted a new position at work creating a hectic...

An Inviting Principal's Office for the Dean

To this day I remember being called to the principal's office in high school. I couldn't tell you what was said. I can tell you that I...

Introspection on Intersectionality

Kimberle Crenshaw (2016) has an interesting activity that I'd like you to think about. Are you familiar with these names? Eric Garner....

The Devil's Advocate

Some people use the term devil’s advocate to tag anyone that disagrees with their viewpoint. Isn’t it more dangerous to not listen...

Don't Forget to T.A.S.L.

Technology has opened many doors for creators around the world. Anyone can create and publish a video for the world to see or post an...

Making: A New Hope?

Failing Forward Merriam-Webster defines failure as simply “a lack of success” (2022) but if you ask individuals for their working...

A Better Story

Berger (2014) discusses the moment in life. When you graduate and are told to follow your heart. To someone who has not reflected on...

A Wicked Problem Deserves Wicked Solutions

The world of education has always adapted to best meet the needs of students. This has been especially true over the past two years as...

Questioning the Questions

Wicked problems are extraordinarily difficult to troubleshoot because the facts and parameters surrounding our understanding of the...

Sliding into the Wickedness

This week I slid deeper into the wicked problems of my profession. I clarified and organized my initial thoughts, narrowed the...

Reflections of "A More Beautiful Question"

Today I took 5 minutes to ask as many questions about my professional career as I could think of. Just brainstorm questions, no answers...

Supporting Students with Dyslexia

Problem: Imagine a student suffering from Dyslexia in your classroom. The child's guardians plead for help having done everything in...

Wicked Problems in my Professional Setting

Happy individuals are successful individuals . A Key to happiness (success) is to actively search out the good in the world whenever...

Being a Beginner

Over the past 4 weeks I utilized my professional learning networks (PLN) to learn a new skill, computer aided design (CAD), with a tool...

Making Progress

Image by Chad Riffle Last month I began learning Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) so that I can support teachers looking to introduce their...

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