While creating my Assessment Genre Critical Review YouTube video, my brain kept thinking of a quote from Neil Selwyn's Podcast interview (Young, 2021). He states "You don't get robots as teachers, but you do get teachers teaching like robots" when describing his fear about the use of artificial intelligence in education. Computer-adaptive tests (CAT) are seen by many in education as an efficient way to complete the task of assessing student learning. Beyond the fears associated with the consequences of standardizing education, CATs provoke an additional fear. Are we automating education so much that teachers are becoming like robots and seeing students as just sets of data?
This fear is in many ways irrational because I know that passionate teachers will combat that outcome to the death. However, I cannot help but notice how for some situations, CATs have changed the way we approach decision making. They have the potential to support student learning in unimaginable ways bundled with the danger of transforming our youth into simple data points aggerated to best fit our wants. Does the danger outweigh the potential? Only time will tell.
Riffle C. (2022, October). Assessment Genre Critical Review CEP813. Youtube. https://youtu.be/cNs37cdQP08
Young, J. R. (2021, October 19). Should robots replace teachers? - edsurge news. EdSurge. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://youtu.be/DkmKmu9RSGs