Happy individuals are successful individuals . A Key to happiness (success) is to actively search out the good in the world whenever plausible and avoid focusing on stress, negativity, and failure. Especially when you have no control over the situation(Achor, 2018). Reading The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor changed my life. Because of that, the challenges listed below are selected based on the Happiness Advantage Theory. I avoided mentioning challenges which I feel I cannot impact and am assuming positive intentions from everyone involved.
I work as an instructional consultant at a non profit serving 25 school districts across West Michigan. My job description is split into two roles equally. An educational technology consultant and a database administrator. I love what I do, however there are some major challenges involved.
Challenge 1: Role Definitions
Managing the split roles is difficult. Even after multiple attempts to define roles, priorities, and responsibilities I find myself overwhelmed and trapped. How can I become better at communicating my priorities and responsibilities and saying “No” based on capacity limitations?
Challenge 2: Growing Pains
In the 4 years that I have worked here, we have had 7 school districts join the cohort. Two months ago we contracted 18 days from an individual who will someday be very good, but today needs a lot of training and support. How do I continue to provide support while training my peers?
Challenge 3: Lack of Interoperability
In our region no two districts are alike. Vendors are very good at selling exciting new technology tools and sometimes schools are just desperate for a change they can control with limited understanding of the implementation processes. This means managing the training and maintenance of multiple systems each with their own unique challenges. How do we convince schools to collaborate more before choosing technology programs?
Achor, S. (2018). The Happiness Advantage: How a positive brain fuels success in work and life. New York: Broadway Books.