I don’t know that I have ever spent the amount of time analyzing and reflecting on a single blog post as I did on “How Do You Define 21st-Century Learning?” by Elizabeth Rich (2010). In the post, eleven influential educators gave their opinion on the topic of 21st Century Learning. I was surprised by the variety of responses. That variety shows just how difficult it is to define modern learning. While some mentioned equality and equal opportunity, others focused on skills or content that should be covered. Many mentioned the influence of modern technology sparking debate. Richard Allingon questioning the validity of technology use stating "I think we actually could teach everyone to read (the old way) and for the life of me I cannot understand why schools would spend funds on computers..." (Rich, 2010). I connect with others who feel we need to embrace Technology. People like Karen Cator who states “Internet access should be a right, and we need to recognize it as an essential utility. We need coordination from experts, rule-makers and policymakers, internet providers, and technology companies to create access to digital learning for every student” (Cator, 2020).
Video by Chad Riffle (Link to Slideshow with Citations)
One thing is certain. The 21st century is here and learning is happening. It's our job to refine that learning process. Opinions on what modern learning should look like are varied and influenced by more than just scientific advances. Personal values, politics, religion, and even personal experiences all guide individual definitions of modern learning. Some trends are clear, but priorities are individualized, making teaching an art as well as a science. My own opinion on this topic is continually evolving, but every skyscraper needs a deep and solid foundation and here is mine.
Cator, K. (2020, April 7). Karen Cator: One Thing We Must Do Now. Joan Ganz Cooney
Rich, E. (2012, October 11). How Do You Define 21st Century Learning. EducationWeek.
Video: Chad Riffle. (2022, February 11). 21st Century Learning. [Video]. Google Drive.